Fully Operational Fashion Commerce Site for Sale [营销平台]
6/14/2023 9:34 am
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出售整套先进的时装电子商务平台, 包括前台的时装产品展示管理系统 (手机版,iPad版,PC版),
后台的产品出货和仓储存货管理系统。 这是一个高度专业化的时装产品展示、营销和产品存货管理的综合性数码平台,
可以展示一个时装产品型号下面不同的颜色和尺寸,也可以展示一组产品系列 (Related Items in a Collection),
并可展示相似类别产品款式 (You Might Like),有利于客户寻找浏览喜欢的类似产品,灵活效率高,
具有很多时尚网站不具备的先进营销和推广功能。 这是一个可以让在时装界的商家或创业者立即进入领先的数码时装商家行列,
在手机,平板和电脑上面同时开展营销的必备数码系统。 此数码系统经过多年市场实践考验, 和数万名购物客户的实际操作, 已经十分稳定, 为客户提供优秀一流的购物体验。
这个系统自从2007年投入市场使用后, 经过多次升级, 满足并超过了当今时装产品客户使用各类手机,
平板和电脑快捷购物的需求。 该网站配备了自己的谷歌关键词设置、优化系统, 让新的商家和企业家
可轻松设置时装产品类型的关键词 (包括产品材质, 产品设计特色,等), 赢得谷歌关键词的率先排名,
购买了此电商平台以后,商家可以选择自己独立操作, 可选择另外支付技术支持费用。 出售方是一个
成功的时装商家, 可以考虑为具备资质的买家提供咨询和一定的支持。 本套女装产品在线营销数码系统因为独立开发,
非常灵活, 可以用于男装, 童装,首饰品, 珠宝产品的在线销售。 买家如果需要个性化的修改 ,
可以根据所需要的具体要求另外做系统修改或开发,修改工程的具体程度和所需时间, 修改费用另外计算。
Fully operational fashion ecommerce site for sale. The site has been designed to sell fashion products with multiple colors and sizes per style. An ultra-modern site, it is designed for shopping on smart phones. It is set up to enable a fashion entrepreneur to succeed in the digital and mobile commerce age! It has met all requirements for today's customers to shop using digital devices - mobile phones, iPads and laptop computers.
The site is in English and has been operational since 2007. The site went through several upgrades. It is currently being used in selling women's fashion products to customers in the U.S., Canada, England and European countries. The site has been configured and optimized to fully utilize Search Engine Optimization and has been able to win top-ranking using many fashion industry keywords. A full demonstration can be arranged for the qualified buyer. Certian products in inventory may be available at a discount in order for the new owner to get into fashion business immediately, depending on the situation.
The owner has been a successful fashion entrepreneur. Will consider exclusive rights, including the right to re-sell usage of the site to subscribers or participants in the fashion industry. The owner may stay on as a consultant to help, depending on the terms.
Inquiries are welcome.