律师助理 法律助理 翻译员
4/16/2015 3:30 pm
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《律师所简介》 肯特联合律师事务所位于纽约曼哈顿金融区中心地带,成立于1991年,主要提供诉讼法和各类移民法律服务,聚集众多具有丰富经验的专业律师精英。整个律师团队都具有名牌法学院背景,我们的每位成员都有多年在大型律所和金融公司的工作经验。 《职位需求》 职位名称:律师助理 / 法律助理 / 翻译员 职位要求: 1、英文书写及口语俱佳; 2、流利运作Microsoft Office 3、认同律师工作团队化、专业化发展,有志于长期从事律师事业。 4. 富有敬业精神、有责任感、恪守职业道德; 5. 无不良工作记录或不良实习记录; 我们将严格保密您所提供的所有信息, 该信息将只用于招聘之目的。未被录用的所有申请者的资料将被完整地保存在事务所的人才信息库中。 《其他》 $8.75 / 时 可论工作能力/学习学分/推荐信来调整 《联系方式》 招聘邮箱,请Email您的简历到 : 《Law Office Of Kent Gubrud P.C》 Law Office of Kent Gubrud P.C located in the heart of Manhattan''''s Financial District of New York, founded in 1991, mainly to provide all kinds of procedural law and immigration law services, elite gathering of many professional lawyers with extensive experience. Job Title: Paralegal / Legal Assistant / Translator Job requirements: 1. Bilingual (Chinese/English) 2. Microsoft Office -Translate legal docs 3. excellent in teamwork, professional development, and those who want to engage in long-term legal career. 4. With the professionalism, responsible and abide by professional ethics; $ 8.75 / hour Extra: Based on performance / School credits Available / Recommendation letters available based upon performance Please send your resume Thank You!