诚征/物流管理助理/客户服务/Settlement Specialist [助理]
7/15/2020 2:30 am ID:927020 Share
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国际公司诚征以下职位一同加入团队工作稳定,热门行业未来发展潜力无穷1.物流管理助理年薪約$42000 - 45000,根据经验。薪资待遇具竞争力,并按照工作表现有所调整并且优良福利保险皆具备如自备车为佳需求: ●大学毕业●拥有物流管理背景●能够独立作业,并且一心多用●有主动性、有组织性、并且细心●英文流畅2. 客户服务 年薪約$36000 - 45000,根据经验工作要求:1.注重细节.2.流利的英语. 优秀的双语加分,西班牙语/中文优先.3.會一心多用.4.會QuickBooks.5.最少2年辦公室经验.6.有强烈的责任感.7.給薪休假.8.需要有社安全卡號碼 .有車&有經驗者優先面試lement SpecialistRequirement : 1, College degree minimum2, Accounting or mathematics background3, Minimum 3 years working exp'4, Must be detail oriented and motivated.5, English proficiency is Description●Generate purchase orders from the emails sent by the purchasing team, sent out the purchase order to the correct vendor and confirm the receiving of the order.●Settle the shipment with vendor which includes and not limited to●Generates the necessary paper works●Explain and negotiate with the vendor regarding any possible discrepancy regarding the shipments.●Confirm with the vendors when the payments are sent out and received by the vendors to ensure.●Other office related tasks given on the day to day base to ensure the overall smoothness of the operation. Packages: $36,000/yr base salary and bonus program earnings up to $60,000/yr, great benefits and health insurance.有意者请发覆历至下列邮箱E-mail :el :551-226-7907