12/29/2015 2:24 pm
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欢迎加入美国最大的行业-金融业! 泛美集团成立于1928年,是美国历史最悠久的几家金融公司之一。 母公司AEGON在福布斯全球企业500强中排名151位。World Financial Group 是泛美下属的金融服务公司, 经过23年的发展, 已经是全美最大的金融服务公司之一。 公司的证券投资经理人数在全美5000+公司中排名第三。我们为客人提供长期的财务规划服务,根据每个家庭的需要量身定做每一个计划。因为公司的快速发展,我们邀请能够努力工作, 有理想, 思维开阔的人才加盟我们公司。公司将提供沟通技巧培训,个人素质提高培训,领导力及执行力培训,升职系统培训,,证券执照培训,保险执照培训。 公司提供全美顶尖的工作平台, 我们和世界上各大资产管理公司及投资公司有长期的密切合作, 我们可以给客人提供世界一流的产品解决方案。 我们在寻找的人要有: • 开明的思维 • 有事业心 • 为自己努力工作 • 高逆商 • 对成功有渴望 • 有虚心学习的精神 • 至少高中毕业, 拥有大学本科学位较好 如有兴趣,请发送简历至 公司地址: 37-20 Prince St. Suite: 2A Flushing, NY 11354 Job opening for financial advisors and customer representative trainee Transamerica, established in 1928, is one of the most respected and successful companies in America and internationally. In 1999, Transamerica was acquired by AEGON, one of the nine largest insurance and investment company in the world. AEGON is ranking No. 151 among FUTURN 500 Globe companies. World Financial Group is one of the sub-company of Transamerica. Within 23 years, WFG is one of the fast growing financial service companies in the United States. Company is ranking No.3 out of 5000+ financial service firms in terms of registered representatives. We are providing long term financial planning for our clients, and tailor the plan to fit for each family`s specific needs. Due to of our fast growing, we are looking for hard working, ambitious and open minded people to join us. We will provide system training include communication skills, personal growth direction, leadership and executive ability, promotion guideline, security license, insurance license. We are one of the best platform for people develop their career. We are partnered with major investment firms and wealth management firms in the world and providing our client with world class planning solution. Desired Skill and Traits: • Open- Minded • Ambitious • Hardworking • High-Adversity quotient • Winning Desire • Coachable • High School Diploma, BA/BS degree preferred Please email your resume to