纽约华雄冷暖公司,专营家庭商业冷暖设备安装维修 热水炉安装维修 精通爐灶熱水爐 免费估价 [换热水炉]
11/11/2024 5:21 pm ID:939742 Share
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纽约冷暖主营中央空调冷气机,换热水炉,热水炉安装维修,暖汽设备安装和维修, 解决各种熱水器和爐灶的奇难杂症,纽约冷暖團隊有超過20年的专业经验, 准确判断并快速排除故障解决问题,具备一流維修和安装技术。
多年豐富经验安装和维修空調冷氣機, 中央和分體冷氣機, 熱水器、爐灶、餐馆和超市大吨位的冷暖設備和商业中央空调系统。 水喉管道维修、保养、或产品安装服务,多年经验丰富为客户着想能提供最适合的解决方案。
精通维修安装多个品牌中央空调,分体冷暖,暖气水炉,菜箱冻柜,制冷系统,抽风系统,控制电路,电动车房,水头洗龙等各类水电冷暖专业项目。大小中央空调都安装,曾经维修高达80吨位的中央空调机组,包括480伏电压电源。 纽约冷暖团队的一流技术和工艺让客户满意。
技术服务质量好,安装维修快速,华雄冷暖专业团队会以最快速度解决客户当前之急。提供超长保修期,让客户无后顾之忧。 我们的责任是给客户提供妥善和优质的维修安装,让客户满意是我们工作的目标。
New York HVAC Company is a team of highly experienced specialists in installing, repairing and maintaining cooling, refrigeration systems, boilers and heating systems. With 25 years of experience, Mr. Huang is a hands-on master technician who is skilled at diagnozing and solving problems accurately. Under Mr. Huang's management, New York HVAC team has first rate engineering skills and has won many satisfied customers.
Government Licensed, New York HVAC installs, repairs and maintains residential and commercial Air-conditioning, refrigeration units of different tonages, which have included 80 tons of large commercial central air conditioners as well as home cooling and refrigeration systems.
For a free estimatee on issues with your refrigerators, ice makers, furnaces, boilers, central air-conditioners, or electrical circut issues, please call Mr. Huang: 516 829 5200
Renovation/Construction Picture
Click to enlarge- 华雄冷暖师傅们在安装维修屋顶冷暖气设备
- 在安装维护家庭冷气机方面有全面的经验 价格合理
- 华雄冷暖在安装、维修商业大吨位冷气机有多年经验
- 精通多种知名品牌中央空调机组的安装和维修
- 安装维修高效能热能锅炉,无桶无限量热水器
- 华雄冷暖承接的大吨位商业冷却系统