5/23/2019 12:03 pm
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A. 工作日常:1. 关注最前沿的留学生相关资讯,开脑洞,报选题,挖掘、采访并完成微信公号的报道;2. 关注阅读量,有意识地通过内容提高公众号内容打开率、传播率;3. 抓热点,迅速收集有效资讯整合成篇,通过内容来完成粉丝的增长;4. ?物采访、事件调查,及广告活动文案撰写;5. 微信公众号及微博,小红书,知乎,Instagram,Facebook,Linkedin的?常运营和推广;6. 后台数据的收集、监测、分析、预警,为内容编辑提供数据支持。B. 我们希望你:1. 本科学历以上;2. 较强的文字表达能力,文字有风格;3. ?周至少成稿1-2篇;4. 阅读量大,知识面广,对热点判断准确;5. 无论中文还是英文,都能保持语句通畅无错别字;6. 具用户意识,有数据分析能力尤佳;7. 投递简历时务必附上作品,格式不限。New Media Operations InternRole and Responsibilities:1. Focus on the forefront of international students. Select topics, mining, interviewand complete WeChat official media account;2. Focus on reading volume, increase the followers of our WeChat Public mediaaccount and the reading volume of our article;3. Interview, incident investigation and compose advertising proposal;4. Topics planning, material collection, copywriting, typesetting of other mediaplatforms;5. Regular operation and promotion of WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, Linkedin, etc;6. Provide background data collection, monitoring, analysis, and data editing forcontent irements:1. Strong writing skills with unique style;2. Familiar with public account with a wide range of knowledge;3. Good communication skills;4. Following over 100 public media accounts is a plus;5. Must speak mandarin.公司提供CPT,OPT, H1B工作地点:131 West 33rd Street, New York, NY, 10001简历请Email 至: 请在标题中注明应聘职位